Online aggregation

Online aggregation is a technique for improving the interactive behavior of database systems processing expensive analytical queries. Almost all database operations are performed in batch mode, i.e. the user issues a query and waits till the database has finished processing the entire query. On the contrary, using online aggregation, the user gets estimates of an aggregate query in an online fashion as soon as the query is issued. For example, if the final answer is 1000, after k seconds, the user gets the estimates in form of a confidence interval like [990, 1020] with 95% probability. This confidence keeps on shrinking as the system gets more and more samples.

Online aggregation

Online aggregation is a technique for improving the interactive behavior of database systems processing expensive analytical queries. Almost all database operations are performed in batch mode, i.e. the user issues a query and waits till the database has finished processing the entire query. On the contrary, using online aggregation, the user gets estimates of an aggregate query in an online fashion as soon as the query is issued. For example, if the final answer is 1000, after k seconds, the user gets the estimates in form of a confidence interval like [990, 1020] with 95% probability. This confidence keeps on shrinking as the system gets more and more samples.