Open Season 2

Open Season 2 is a 2008 American computer-animated comedy film and the sequel to the 2006 film Open Season, produced by Sony Pictures Animation. It was directed by Matthew O'Callaghan, co-directed by Todd Wilderman, and produced by Kirk Bodyfelt and Matthew O'Callaghan. It was released as straight-to-DVD film in United States, while in other countries it had a theatrical release. Mike Epps, Joel McHale, and Matthew W. Taylor voice Boog, Elliot, and Ian respectively. Most of the supporting cast reprised their voice roles.

Open Season 2

Open Season 2 is a 2008 American computer-animated comedy film and the sequel to the 2006 film Open Season, produced by Sony Pictures Animation. It was directed by Matthew O'Callaghan, co-directed by Todd Wilderman, and produced by Kirk Bodyfelt and Matthew O'Callaghan. It was released as straight-to-DVD film in United States, while in other countries it had a theatrical release. Mike Epps, Joel McHale, and Matthew W. Taylor voice Boog, Elliot, and Ian respectively. Most of the supporting cast reprised their voice roles.