Operation Minsk

Operation Minsk refers to the Polish offensive and capture of Minsk from the Soviet Russia in early August 1919. In the summer of 1919 after the Polish successes in several Polish-Russian skirmishes, the two combatants (both engaged on multiple fronts) have been near the limits of their capability to wage warfare with each other; they needed time to regroup and concentrate their forces. However the Polish High Command intended to strike one more blow against the Bolsheviks while the Polish forces were on the offensive: they decided to cripple the Western Army (Russia) (Soviet Western Division), headquartered in Minsk, and further damage Soviet logistics by taking control of this important railway center.

Operation Minsk

Operation Minsk refers to the Polish offensive and capture of Minsk from the Soviet Russia in early August 1919. In the summer of 1919 after the Polish successes in several Polish-Russian skirmishes, the two combatants (both engaged on multiple fronts) have been near the limits of their capability to wage warfare with each other; they needed time to regroup and concentrate their forces. However the Polish High Command intended to strike one more blow against the Bolsheviks while the Polish forces were on the offensive: they decided to cripple the Western Army (Russia) (Soviet Western Division), headquartered in Minsk, and further damage Soviet logistics by taking control of this important railway center.