Orphan Black (comic book)

Orphan Black is a limited series of comic books based on the television series Orphan Black, which airs on BBC America in the United States and Space in Canada. The series is written by show creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, with Jody Houser serving as co-writer; Szymon Kudranski provides the artwork for issues #1 and #2, while Cat Staggs and Alan Quah share art duties for issues #3-#5. The comic books were part of a limited series consisting of five issues, each focusing on the past and present life of a different clone.

Orphan Black (comic book)

Orphan Black is a limited series of comic books based on the television series Orphan Black, which airs on BBC America in the United States and Space in Canada. The series is written by show creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, with Jody Houser serving as co-writer; Szymon Kudranski provides the artwork for issues #1 and #2, while Cat Staggs and Alan Quah share art duties for issues #3-#5. The comic books were part of a limited series consisting of five issues, each focusing on the past and present life of a different clone.