Our Lady of Copacabana Cathedral, Guarenas

The Our Lady of Copacabana Cathedral (Spanish: Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Copacabana de Guarenas) or simply Cathedral of Guarenas, is the name given to a religious building belonging to the Catholic Church and is located at Ambrosio Plaza Street on one side of the Bolívar Square, in the city of Guarenas, a city in the municipality Ambrosio Plaza, Miranda state, which serves as a "satellite city" of Caracas, in the South American country of Venezuela. It has objects and relics of great historical and religious value.

Our Lady of Copacabana Cathedral, Guarenas

The Our Lady of Copacabana Cathedral (Spanish: Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Copacabana de Guarenas) or simply Cathedral of Guarenas, is the name given to a religious building belonging to the Catholic Church and is located at Ambrosio Plaza Street on one side of the Bolívar Square, in the city of Guarenas, a city in the municipality Ambrosio Plaza, Miranda state, which serves as a "satellite city" of Caracas, in the South American country of Venezuela. It has objects and relics of great historical and religious value.