PIPA Snow Polo World Cup Tour

The PIPA Snow Polo World Cup Tour is an international played series of worldwide Polo tournaments organized by the PIPA Polo Instructors and Players Association in cooperation with A Quechua World of Polo.Snow Polo Tournaments are played in teams with two or three players each. Teams are built by nationality, so for example there plays team Argentina versus Austria. The game and the rules are similar to Arena polo.

PIPA Snow Polo World Cup Tour

The PIPA Snow Polo World Cup Tour is an international played series of worldwide Polo tournaments organized by the PIPA Polo Instructors and Players Association in cooperation with A Quechua World of Polo.Snow Polo Tournaments are played in teams with two or three players each. Teams are built by nationality, so for example there plays team Argentina versus Austria. The game and the rules are similar to Arena polo.