PZA Loara

The PZA Loara (Polish: Przeciwlotniczy Zestaw Artyleryjski or "anti-aircraft artillery system") is a Polish armored radar-directed self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system. The original PZA Loara prototype was based on the chassis of the T-72M tank. The production version known as PZA Loara-A is based on the chassis of the PT-91 MBT.

PZA Loara

The PZA Loara (Polish: Przeciwlotniczy Zestaw Artyleryjski or "anti-aircraft artillery system") is a Polish armored radar-directed self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system. The original PZA Loara prototype was based on the chassis of the T-72M tank. The production version known as PZA Loara-A is based on the chassis of the PT-91 MBT.