Pack burro racing

Pack burro racing is a sport indigenous to the State of Colorado which is deeply rooted in the state's mining heritage. In the early days of the mining industry in Colorado, miners would take burros, which is the Spanish word for donkey, through the mountains of Colorado while prospecting. Because the burros were carrying supplies, the miners could not ride the animals and so they would walk, leading the donkey. The Burro Races, which are held throughout small towns in Colorado, commemorate these men and women and their burros. In 2012, Pack burro racing was recognized as the official summer heritage sport in Colorado.

Pack burro racing

Pack burro racing is a sport indigenous to the State of Colorado which is deeply rooted in the state's mining heritage. In the early days of the mining industry in Colorado, miners would take burros, which is the Spanish word for donkey, through the mountains of Colorado while prospecting. Because the burros were carrying supplies, the miners could not ride the animals and so they would walk, leading the donkey. The Burro Races, which are held throughout small towns in Colorado, commemorate these men and women and their burros. In 2012, Pack burro racing was recognized as the official summer heritage sport in Colorado.