Parallel college

A parallel college is a privately owned educational institution in Kerala (a state of India), which is not affiliated to any university, neither recognized by any, but offers training for courses following the courseware of a university quite unofficially. This system works because most of the universities in Kerala allow what is called 'private registration', in which a student can register in a university for a course, and then could pursue an academic programme without being admitted to a college or a university department, but learn the courseware all by oneself and then appear for examination at the university. And these students who pursue a 'private study' do rely on parallel colleges for tuition and guidance. Such a system had become popular in Kerala because the total intake capac

Parallel college

A parallel college is a privately owned educational institution in Kerala (a state of India), which is not affiliated to any university, neither recognized by any, but offers training for courses following the courseware of a university quite unofficially. This system works because most of the universities in Kerala allow what is called 'private registration', in which a student can register in a university for a course, and then could pursue an academic programme without being admitted to a college or a university department, but learn the courseware all by oneself and then appear for examination at the university. And these students who pursue a 'private study' do rely on parallel colleges for tuition and guidance. Such a system had become popular in Kerala because the total intake capac