Pardon Mon Affaire

Pardon Mon Affaire (French: Un éléphant ça trompe énormément, English: An Elephant Can Be Extremely Deceptive) is a 1976 French comedy film co-written and directed by Yves Robert. It was remade as the 1984 American film The Woman in Red. The original title contains a pun that cannot be translated in English. The word "trompe" means both "trunk" (an elephant's nose) and "to cheat" (in a sexual/romantic way). The movie is about a married man's desire to have an affair with a model he just met. The film was followed by a sequel, Pardon Mon Affaire, Too!.

Pardon Mon Affaire

Pardon Mon Affaire (French: Un éléphant ça trompe énormément, English: An Elephant Can Be Extremely Deceptive) is a 1976 French comedy film co-written and directed by Yves Robert. It was remade as the 1984 American film The Woman in Red. The original title contains a pun that cannot be translated in English. The word "trompe" means both "trunk" (an elephant's nose) and "to cheat" (in a sexual/romantic way). The movie is about a married man's desire to have an affair with a model he just met. The film was followed by a sequel, Pardon Mon Affaire, Too!.