Particle aggregation

Particle agglomeration refers to formation of assemblages in a suspension and represents a mechanism leading to destabilization of colloidal systems. During this process, particles dispersed in the liquid phase stick to each other, and spontaneously form irregular particle clusters, flocs, or aggregates. This phenomenon is also referred to as coagulation or flocculation and such a suspension is also called unstable. Particle aggregation can be induced by adding salts or an other chemical referred to as coagulant or flocculant. Some people refer specifically to flocculation when aggregation is induced by addition of polymers or polyelectrolytes, while coagulation is used in a broader sense.

Particle aggregation

Particle agglomeration refers to formation of assemblages in a suspension and represents a mechanism leading to destabilization of colloidal systems. During this process, particles dispersed in the liquid phase stick to each other, and spontaneously form irregular particle clusters, flocs, or aggregates. This phenomenon is also referred to as coagulation or flocculation and such a suspension is also called unstable. Particle aggregation can be induced by adding salts or an other chemical referred to as coagulant or flocculant. Some people refer specifically to flocculation when aggregation is induced by addition of polymers or polyelectrolytes, while coagulation is used in a broader sense.