Party for the Animals

The Party for the Animals (Dutch: Partij voor de Dieren; PvdD) is a political party in the Netherlands.Among its main goals are animal rights and animal welfare, though it claims not to be a single-issue party. The party does consider itself to be a testimonial party, which does not seek to gain political power, but only to testify to its beliefs and thereby influence other parties. Its chairwoman and political leader is Marianne Thieme.

Party for the Animals

The Party for the Animals (Dutch: Partij voor de Dieren; PvdD) is a political party in the Netherlands.Among its main goals are animal rights and animal welfare, though it claims not to be a single-issue party. The party does consider itself to be a testimonial party, which does not seek to gain political power, but only to testify to its beliefs and thereby influence other parties. Its chairwoman and political leader is Marianne Thieme.