Patched (malware)

Win32/Patched is a Computer Trojan targeting the Microsoft Windows operating system that was first detected in October 2008. Files detected as "Trojan.Win32.Patched" are usually Windows components that are patched by a malicious application. The purpose of patching varies. For example, certain malware patches system components in order to disable security, such as the Windows Safe File Check feature. Other malware can add parts of its code to a system component and then patch certain functions of the original file to point to an appended code.

Patched (malware)

Win32/Patched is a Computer Trojan targeting the Microsoft Windows operating system that was first detected in October 2008. Files detected as "Trojan.Win32.Patched" are usually Windows components that are patched by a malicious application. The purpose of patching varies. For example, certain malware patches system components in order to disable security, such as the Windows Safe File Check feature. Other malware can add parts of its code to a system component and then patch certain functions of the original file to point to an appended code.