
In Christian theology, term Patriology refers to the study of the God the Father. The word Patriology comes from two Greek words: πατέρας (pateras, father) and λογος (logos, teaching about). As a theological discipline, Patriology is closely connected to Christology (study of Christ as God the Son) and Pneumatology (study of Holy Ghost as God the Spirit). The term Patriology should not be confused with similar term Patrology that involves the study of teachings of the Church Fathers.


In Christian theology, term Patriology refers to the study of the God the Father. The word Patriology comes from two Greek words: πατέρας (pateras, father) and λογος (logos, teaching about). As a theological discipline, Patriology is closely connected to Christology (study of Christ as God the Son) and Pneumatology (study of Holy Ghost as God the Spirit). The term Patriology should not be confused with similar term Patrology that involves the study of teachings of the Church Fathers.