Peace River Wildland Provincial Park

Peace River Wildland Provincial Park is located in the valley of the Peace River stretching from Dunvegan Provincial Park to the Smoky River confluence and 30 kilometers upstream of the Smoky River valley. Also included in the park is the Spirit River valley at the confluence with the Peace. While most of the park lies in the Birch Hills County, some of it is in the Northern Sunrise County immediately south of the Town of Peace River.

Peace River Wildland Provincial Park

Peace River Wildland Provincial Park is located in the valley of the Peace River stretching from Dunvegan Provincial Park to the Smoky River confluence and 30 kilometers upstream of the Smoky River valley. Also included in the park is the Spirit River valley at the confluence with the Peace. While most of the park lies in the Birch Hills County, some of it is in the Northern Sunrise County immediately south of the Town of Peace River.