People's Initiative

People’s Initiative (or "PI") is a common appellative in the Philippines that refers to either a mode for constitutional amendment provided by the 1987 Philippine Constitution or to the act of pushing an initiative (national or local) allowed by the Philippine Initiative and Referendum Act of 1987. The appellative also refers to the product of either of those initiatives. The appellation (also known as "PI") also refers to the act—allowed by the law-given right of the Filipino people—of directly initiating statutes or calling for referenda on both the national and the local government level.

People's Initiative

People’s Initiative (or "PI") is a common appellative in the Philippines that refers to either a mode for constitutional amendment provided by the 1987 Philippine Constitution or to the act of pushing an initiative (national or local) allowed by the Philippine Initiative and Referendum Act of 1987. The appellative also refers to the product of either of those initiatives. The appellation (also known as "PI") also refers to the act—allowed by the law-given right of the Filipino people—of directly initiating statutes or calling for referenda on both the national and the local government level.