Peter's Daughter

"Peter's Daughter" is the seventh episode of the sixth season of Family Guy and originally aired November 25, 2007. When a flood hits Quahog, Meg winds up in the hospital in a coma, and an over-protective Peter vows he will take extra care of her. As a side plot, Stewie and Brian decide to renovate a wrecked house and sell it to get rich. The original episode is dedicated in memory of Paul B. Sheridan. On Adult Swim, the full version has an onscreen message that reads "Dedicated to Paul B. Sheridan, 1940-2007" that features a picture of him on a kayak. He was Chris Sheridan's father.

Peter's Daughter

"Peter's Daughter" is the seventh episode of the sixth season of Family Guy and originally aired November 25, 2007. When a flood hits Quahog, Meg winds up in the hospital in a coma, and an over-protective Peter vows he will take extra care of her. As a side plot, Stewie and Brian decide to renovate a wrecked house and sell it to get rich. The original episode is dedicated in memory of Paul B. Sheridan. On Adult Swim, the full version has an onscreen message that reads "Dedicated to Paul B. Sheridan, 1940-2007" that features a picture of him on a kayak. He was Chris Sheridan's father.