Petite Kabylie

Petite Kabylie or Petite Kabylia (Berber: Tamurt n Wadda, Arabic: al-Qabā'il as-Saghra, القبائل الصغرى, Maghrebi Arabic: Qbayel es-Sghira) is a natural region in the mountainous area of northern Algeria. The Petite Kabylie is part of the greater Kabylie region.

Petite Kabylie

Petite Kabylie or Petite Kabylia (Berber: Tamurt n Wadda, Arabic: al-Qabā'il as-Saghra, القبائل الصغرى, Maghrebi Arabic: Qbayel es-Sghira) is a natural region in the mountainous area of northern Algeria. The Petite Kabylie is part of the greater Kabylie region.