Phantom 2040

Phantom 2040 is a French-American animated series loosely based on the comic strip hero The Phantom, created by Lee Falk. The central character of the series is said to be the 24th Phantom. The show was developed for television by executive producer David J. Corbett and executive story editors Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. In addition to story-editing both seasons, the Reeves-Stevens devised the show's writers' bible, and scripted numerous episodes, including the two-part pilot (Generation Unto Generation). Other key writers on the show included Brynne Stephens and Michael Reaves; despite the similarity of names, Reaves and Stephens are in no way related to the Reeves-Stevenses.

Phantom 2040

Phantom 2040 is a French-American animated series loosely based on the comic strip hero The Phantom, created by Lee Falk. The central character of the series is said to be the 24th Phantom. The show was developed for television by executive producer David J. Corbett and executive story editors Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. In addition to story-editing both seasons, the Reeves-Stevens devised the show's writers' bible, and scripted numerous episodes, including the two-part pilot (Generation Unto Generation). Other key writers on the show included Brynne Stephens and Michael Reaves; despite the similarity of names, Reaves and Stephens are in no way related to the Reeves-Stevenses.