Piast Concept

The Piast concept is a political idea of Polish state based on its initial territories under the Piast dynasty, and containing mostly Polish population. For its supporters is also mostly identified with the idea of westernization, attachment to Europe and its ideas, close relationship with western countries and pragmatism in international relations, while avoiding unwise adventures in the East. It held that Poland made out of mostly Polish territories in the west during Middle Ages was a strong, westernized state, equal to other western European countries. It was believed that modern Polish nationalists should restore its central values such as westernization, focus on development of Polish trade and economy and creating a Polish middle class. Jan Poplawski had developed the "Piast Concept

Piast Concept

The Piast concept is a political idea of Polish state based on its initial territories under the Piast dynasty, and containing mostly Polish population. For its supporters is also mostly identified with the idea of westernization, attachment to Europe and its ideas, close relationship with western countries and pragmatism in international relations, while avoiding unwise adventures in the East. It held that Poland made out of mostly Polish territories in the west during Middle Ages was a strong, westernized state, equal to other western European countries. It was believed that modern Polish nationalists should restore its central values such as westernization, focus on development of Polish trade and economy and creating a Polish middle class. Jan Poplawski had developed the "Piast Concept