Pictures of the Pain

Pictures of the Pain: Photography and the Assassination of President Kennedy is a 1994 book by Richard B. Trask, an American historian and archivist based in Danvers, Massachusetts. The book compiles more than 350 photographs made by amateur and professional photographers in Dallas, Texas, during the November 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy, and includes interviews with many of the people who made the images, some of which had never been published prior to the book's release.

Pictures of the Pain

Pictures of the Pain: Photography and the Assassination of President Kennedy is a 1994 book by Richard B. Trask, an American historian and archivist based in Danvers, Massachusetts. The book compiles more than 350 photographs made by amateur and professional photographers in Dallas, Texas, during the November 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy, and includes interviews with many of the people who made the images, some of which had never been published prior to the book's release.