Plague crosses (Brugherio)

There are three plague crosses in Brugherio, in the province of Monza and Brianza in Lombardy, in northern Italy. They were erected after the plague that struck Monza and its surrounding area in 1576. The crosses are three that remain of four that marked where there were four altars used to celebrate religious services during the plague. The plague of 1576 was in fact called "the plague of Saint Charles", given the Bishop's closeness to those affected. Information about the plague can be found in the Bishop of Milan, Saint Charles Borromeo's notes.

Plague crosses (Brugherio)

There are three plague crosses in Brugherio, in the province of Monza and Brianza in Lombardy, in northern Italy. They were erected after the plague that struck Monza and its surrounding area in 1576. The crosses are three that remain of four that marked where there were four altars used to celebrate religious services during the plague. The plague of 1576 was in fact called "the plague of Saint Charles", given the Bishop's closeness to those affected. Information about the plague can be found in the Bishop of Milan, Saint Charles Borromeo's notes.