Poems by Julius Caesar

Poems by Julius Caesar are mentioned by several sources in antiquity. None are extant. Tacitus considered their loss a happy accident for the dictator's literary reputation: Plutarch says that verse compositions were among the entertainments Caesar offered the Cilician pirates who captured him as a young man in 75 BC. Pliny places "the divine Julius" on his list of serious men who wrote not-so-serious poems. Caesar's Dicta Collectanea, a collection of his memorable quotations, is assumed to have contained quotations from his verse as well as prose works.

Poems by Julius Caesar

Poems by Julius Caesar are mentioned by several sources in antiquity. None are extant. Tacitus considered their loss a happy accident for the dictator's literary reputation: Plutarch says that verse compositions were among the entertainments Caesar offered the Cilician pirates who captured him as a young man in 75 BC. Pliny places "the divine Julius" on his list of serious men who wrote not-so-serious poems. Caesar's Dicta Collectanea, a collection of his memorable quotations, is assumed to have contained quotations from his verse as well as prose works.