Polish Left

The Polish Left (Polish: Polska Lewica) is a political term for the left-wing political party in Poland. Former Prime Minister Leszek Miller announced the formation of the Polish Left on September 20, 2007. In his announcement, Miller said that the new party would be a "true leftist" alternative to the Left and Democrats political parties. Miller was the leader of the Polish Left party (2001-2004). Other prominent members are the former Secretary General of the DLA, Marek Dyduch, and former Sejm Member Krzysztof Jagiełło.

Polish Left

The Polish Left (Polish: Polska Lewica) is a political term for the left-wing political party in Poland. Former Prime Minister Leszek Miller announced the formation of the Polish Left on September 20, 2007. In his announcement, Miller said that the new party would be a "true leftist" alternative to the Left and Democrats political parties. Miller was the leader of the Polish Left party (2001-2004). Other prominent members are the former Secretary General of the DLA, Marek Dyduch, and former Sejm Member Krzysztof Jagiełło.