
Popzilla was an animated TV series in production for MTV. with a premiere air date of Sunday, September 27, 2009 following America's Best Dance Crew and ended on October 16. The show is produced by SCTV alum Dave Thomas. The show is an animated sketch comedy show focused on pop culture, celebrities, and famous figures. Each episode consists of about 30 sketches, each under a minute. Celebrities such as Britney Spears, K-Fed, Criss Angel and even fictional ones like Harry Potter have all been targets in some of the early sketches released on YouTube.


Popzilla was an animated TV series in production for MTV. with a premiere air date of Sunday, September 27, 2009 following America's Best Dance Crew and ended on October 16. The show is produced by SCTV alum Dave Thomas. The show is an animated sketch comedy show focused on pop culture, celebrities, and famous figures. Each episode consists of about 30 sketches, each under a minute. Celebrities such as Britney Spears, K-Fed, Criss Angel and even fictional ones like Harry Potter have all been targets in some of the early sketches released on YouTube.