Positive Development

‘Net positive’, from Positive Development (PD) theory, is a new paradigm in sustainable development and design. PD theory (taught and published from 2003) was first detailed in Positive Development (2008). A net positive system/structure would ‘give back to nature and society more than it takes’ over its life cycle. In contrast, ‘sustainable development’ - in the real-world context of population growth, biodiversity losses, cumulative pollution, wealth disparities and social inequities - closes off future options. To reverse direction, development must, among other sustainability criteria, increase nature beyond pre-human conditions. PD develops the tools to enable net positive design and development.

Positive Development

‘Net positive’, from Positive Development (PD) theory, is a new paradigm in sustainable development and design. PD theory (taught and published from 2003) was first detailed in Positive Development (2008). A net positive system/structure would ‘give back to nature and society more than it takes’ over its life cycle. In contrast, ‘sustainable development’ - in the real-world context of population growth, biodiversity losses, cumulative pollution, wealth disparities and social inequities - closes off future options. To reverse direction, development must, among other sustainability criteria, increase nature beyond pre-human conditions. PD develops the tools to enable net positive design and development.