Positive statement

In the social sciences and philosophy, a positive or descriptive statement concerns what "is", "was", or "will be", and contains no indication of approval or disapproval (what should be). Positive statements are thus the opposite of normative statements. Positive statement is based on empirical evidence. For examples, "An increase in taxation will result in less consumption" and "A fall in supply of petrol will lead to an increase in its price". However, positive statement can be factually incorrect: "The moon is made of green cheese" is empirically false, but is still a positive statement, as it is a statement about what is, not what should be.

Positive statement

In the social sciences and philosophy, a positive or descriptive statement concerns what "is", "was", or "will be", and contains no indication of approval or disapproval (what should be). Positive statements are thus the opposite of normative statements. Positive statement is based on empirical evidence. For examples, "An increase in taxation will result in less consumption" and "A fall in supply of petrol will lead to an increase in its price". However, positive statement can be factually incorrect: "The moon is made of green cheese" is empirically false, but is still a positive statement, as it is a statement about what is, not what should be.