
Postinternet denotes an idea in arts and criticism that refers to society and modes of interaction following the widespread adoption of the internet. The term emerged from discussions about Internet Art by Marisa Olson, Gene McHugh, and Artie Vierkant, however the movement has not been thoroughly defined. Guthrie Lonergan and Cory Arcangel have mentioned it as a term for being "internet aware", which some believe to be more accurate. Generally it is described as art that is about the internet's effects on aesthetics, culture and society.


Postinternet denotes an idea in arts and criticism that refers to society and modes of interaction following the widespread adoption of the internet. The term emerged from discussions about Internet Art by Marisa Olson, Gene McHugh, and Artie Vierkant, however the movement has not been thoroughly defined. Guthrie Lonergan and Cory Arcangel have mentioned it as a term for being "internet aware", which some believe to be more accurate. Generally it is described as art that is about the internet's effects on aesthetics, culture and society.