Powierza v Daley

Powierza v Daley [1985] 1 NZLR 558 is an important New Zealand case involving where an inquiry about an offer, is just that, or whether instead it is a counteroffer. The legal distinction between the two is important, as an "inquiry" still leaves the original offer live (and still subject to acceptance), whereas a "counteroffer" cancels the previous offer.

Powierza v Daley

Powierza v Daley [1985] 1 NZLR 558 is an important New Zealand case involving where an inquiry about an offer, is just that, or whether instead it is a counteroffer. The legal distinction between the two is important, as an "inquiry" still leaves the original offer live (and still subject to acceptance), whereas a "counteroffer" cancels the previous offer.