Proposed Indian Round Table Conference 1922

Descriptions of what happened vary greatly (listed from the most to least probable) 1. Malaviya Proposed Round Table, The Viceroy Lord Reading Agreed, Mahatma Gandhi Sabotages the Idea Read p 194-5 (references not given) 2. Reading Proposed Round Table – Cabinet Vetoes Bridge p. 11 (Based on D. A. Low, “The Government of India and the first Non-cooperation Movement, 1920-22”, Journal of Asian Studies, XXV (1966), pp. 241–59) 3. Reading Opposes the Proposed Round Table Reading 1945 p. 195

Proposed Indian Round Table Conference 1922

Descriptions of what happened vary greatly (listed from the most to least probable) 1. Malaviya Proposed Round Table, The Viceroy Lord Reading Agreed, Mahatma Gandhi Sabotages the Idea Read p 194-5 (references not given) 2. Reading Proposed Round Table – Cabinet Vetoes Bridge p. 11 (Based on D. A. Low, “The Government of India and the first Non-cooperation Movement, 1920-22”, Journal of Asian Studies, XXV (1966), pp. 241–59) 3. Reading Opposes the Proposed Round Table Reading 1945 p. 195