
Proustia is a genus of flowering plants in the gerbera tribe daisy family, native to South America and the West Indies. Species 1. * Proustia cuneifolia D.Don - Peru, Bolivia 2. * Proustia ilicifolia Hook. & Arn. - Argentina, Chile 3. * Proustia pyrifolia DC. - Chile 4. * Proustia vanillosma C.Wright - Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Ricoformerly included see Acourtia Berylsimpsonia Lophopappus Vernonanthura


Proustia is a genus of flowering plants in the gerbera tribe daisy family, native to South America and the West Indies. Species 1. * Proustia cuneifolia D.Don - Peru, Bolivia 2. * Proustia ilicifolia Hook. & Arn. - Argentina, Chile 3. * Proustia pyrifolia DC. - Chile 4. * Proustia vanillosma C.Wright - Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Ricoformerly included see Acourtia Berylsimpsonia Lophopappus Vernonanthura