Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia

The Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia (PGNUNSC) was an Internationally unrecognized and ostensibly provisional government set up by the Khmer Rouge on July 11, 1994 in opposition to the established Kingdom of Cambodia. Its Prime Minister was Khieu Samphan (who was also head of the armed forces) and its Deputy Prime Minister (in charge also of foreign affairs) was Son Sen. It was staffed by members of the Cambodian National Unity Party. Areas it controlled included Pailin (the capital of the provisional government) and Preah Vihear (where it was based.) The Khmer Rouge radio station was also known as the "Radio of the Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia." Other ministers included Chan Youran, Mak Ben, In Sophe

Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia

The Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia (PGNUNSC) was an Internationally unrecognized and ostensibly provisional government set up by the Khmer Rouge on July 11, 1994 in opposition to the established Kingdom of Cambodia. Its Prime Minister was Khieu Samphan (who was also head of the armed forces) and its Deputy Prime Minister (in charge also of foreign affairs) was Son Sen. It was staffed by members of the Cambodian National Unity Party. Areas it controlled included Pailin (the capital of the provisional government) and Preah Vihear (where it was based.) The Khmer Rouge radio station was also known as the "Radio of the Provisional Government of National Union and National Salvation of Cambodia." Other ministers included Chan Youran, Mak Ben, In Sophe