
In mathematics, more precisely in the theory of functions of several complex variables, a pseudoconvex set is a special type of open set in the n-dimensional complex space Cn. Pseudoconvex sets are important, as they allow for classification of domains of holomorphy. Let be a domain, that is, an open connected subset. One says that is pseudoconvex (or Hartogs pseudoconvex) if there exists a continuous plurisubharmonic function on such that the set is a relatively compact subset of for all real numbers In other words, a domain is pseudoconvex if When has a boundary, it can be shown that which is so that and


In mathematics, more precisely in the theory of functions of several complex variables, a pseudoconvex set is a special type of open set in the n-dimensional complex space Cn. Pseudoconvex sets are important, as they allow for classification of domains of holomorphy. Let be a domain, that is, an open connected subset. One says that is pseudoconvex (or Hartogs pseudoconvex) if there exists a continuous plurisubharmonic function on such that the set is a relatively compact subset of for all real numbers In other words, a domain is pseudoconvex if When has a boundary, it can be shown that which is so that and