
Psychomania is a 1973 British horror-cult film starring Nicky Henson, Beryl Reid, George Sanders (in his final film) and Robert Hardy. Frequently revisited by nostalgic modern audiences for scenes filmed in the (now demolished and rebuilt) Hepworth Way shopping centre and Wellington Close housing block in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, it is also more obscurely known as Death Wheelers Are... Psycho Maniacs in Australia and The Death Wheelers in the United States.


Psychomania is a 1973 British horror-cult film starring Nicky Henson, Beryl Reid, George Sanders (in his final film) and Robert Hardy. Frequently revisited by nostalgic modern audiences for scenes filmed in the (now demolished and rebuilt) Hepworth Way shopping centre and Wellington Close housing block in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, it is also more obscurely known as Death Wheelers Are... Psycho Maniacs in Australia and The Death Wheelers in the United States.