
Quinx, published in 1985 and sub-titled The Ripper's Tale, is the 5th and final volume in Lawrence Durrell's "Quincunx" of novels, The Avignon Quintet, following the activities of Constance, Blanford, Sutcliffe, Lord Galen, and most of the other surviving characters (including some of those who are theoretically fictional from Blanford's novel) as they return to Provence and Avignon in the immediate aftermath of the war. Information about the whereabouts of the Templar treasure, long sought by Lord Galen, is provided by the ex-Nazi double agent Smirgel. Gypsies are congregating to take part in a Camargue festival, leading to the climax of the book in a scene below the Pont du Gard, where the treasure is expected to be found. The novel develops further the process of deliberate breakdown of


Quinx, published in 1985 and sub-titled The Ripper's Tale, is the 5th and final volume in Lawrence Durrell's "Quincunx" of novels, The Avignon Quintet, following the activities of Constance, Blanford, Sutcliffe, Lord Galen, and most of the other surviving characters (including some of those who are theoretically fictional from Blanford's novel) as they return to Provence and Avignon in the immediate aftermath of the war. Information about the whereabouts of the Templar treasure, long sought by Lord Galen, is provided by the ex-Nazi double agent Smirgel. Gypsies are congregating to take part in a Camargue festival, leading to the climax of the book in a scene below the Pont du Gard, where the treasure is expected to be found. The novel develops further the process of deliberate breakdown of