Régiment d'infanterie-chars de marine

The Régiment d'infanterie chars de marine RICM in French, (R.I.C.M, or Marine Infantry Tank Regiment) is a light cavalry regiment of the French Army heir to the Régiment d'infanterie coloniale du Maroc RICM (R.I.C.M, or Colonial Infantry Regiment of Morocco). Created in June 1915, then designated accordingly in December 1958, by change of the infantry colonial regiment of Morocco, the regiment is part of the Troupes de Marine and is of a cavalry armoured specialty. The RICM is the most decorated regiment of the French Army. The regiment is attached to the 9th Marine Infantry Brigade 9e BIMa.

Régiment d'infanterie-chars de marine

The Régiment d'infanterie chars de marine RICM in French, (R.I.C.M, or Marine Infantry Tank Regiment) is a light cavalry regiment of the French Army heir to the Régiment d'infanterie coloniale du Maroc RICM (R.I.C.M, or Colonial Infantry Regiment of Morocco). Created in June 1915, then designated accordingly in December 1958, by change of the infantry colonial regiment of Morocco, the regiment is part of the Troupes de Marine and is of a cavalry armoured specialty. The RICM is the most decorated regiment of the French Army. The regiment is attached to the 9th Marine Infantry Brigade 9e BIMa.