
Rūsiņš of Satekle (latin: Russinus de Sotekele) was a latgalian duke during early 13th century who is several times mentioned in ancient sources due to his activities in Livonian Crusade. Rūsiņš date of birth is unknown and it's presumed that his residence was Satekle castle (most likely Tanīsa hillfort in modern Rauna village) which was important centre in Latgalian county of Tālava. According to Chronicle of the Henry of Livonia Rūsiņš had permanent group of warriors with him (latin: amici Russini) most likely similar to Druzhina.


Rūsiņš of Satekle (latin: Russinus de Sotekele) was a latgalian duke during early 13th century who is several times mentioned in ancient sources due to his activities in Livonian Crusade. Rūsiņš date of birth is unknown and it's presumed that his residence was Satekle castle (most likely Tanīsa hillfort in modern Rauna village) which was important centre in Latgalian county of Tālava. According to Chronicle of the Henry of Livonia Rūsiņš had permanent group of warriors with him (latin: amici Russini) most likely similar to Druzhina.