RUNNet (Russian university network) was established in 1994 on the initiative of the State University of Fine Mechanics and Optics by the State Committee of Higher Education as a very important branch of the Russian Universities program. In the same year, an Agreement on Cooperation between RUNNet and NORDUnet was signed. The purpose of RUNNet is to provide a single common informational space to make available Russian and foreign research and educational resources while also integrating Russian information into the world community.


RUNNet (Russian university network) was established in 1994 on the initiative of the State University of Fine Mechanics and Optics by the State Committee of Higher Education as a very important branch of the Russian Universities program. In the same year, an Agreement on Cooperation between RUNNet and NORDUnet was signed. The purpose of RUNNet is to provide a single common informational space to make available Russian and foreign research and educational resources while also integrating Russian information into the world community.