Rabidosa hentzi

Rabidosa hentzi is a small species of wolf spider found in North America. Most identified specimens were found in Florida, though some have been found in Georgia and Louisiana. Its color is like that of Rabidosa carrana or Rabidosa rabida, but it is distinguished from other Rabidosa species by its paler color and distinct striped pattern on its back. The cephalothorax is a pale brown-yellow color. Between these is a narrower bright yellow to white streak that extends past the eyes. The sternum and abdomen are both pale, though the upper sides are streaked and spotted with brown markings. The eyes are on a black band that extends back, fading into the pale brown. The spermathecae are round and the palea of the pedipalp has a sclerotized cap. Males and females have a similar face and chelic

Rabidosa hentzi

Rabidosa hentzi is a small species of wolf spider found in North America. Most identified specimens were found in Florida, though some have been found in Georgia and Louisiana. Its color is like that of Rabidosa carrana or Rabidosa rabida, but it is distinguished from other Rabidosa species by its paler color and distinct striped pattern on its back. The cephalothorax is a pale brown-yellow color. Between these is a narrower bright yellow to white streak that extends past the eyes. The sternum and abdomen are both pale, though the upper sides are streaked and spotted with brown markings. The eyes are on a black band that extends back, fading into the pale brown. The spermathecae are round and the palea of the pedipalp has a sclerotized cap. Males and females have a similar face and chelic