Raycom Sports

Raycom Sports is an American syndicator of sports television programs. It is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, and owned and operated by Raycom Media. It was founded in 1979 by husband and wife, Rick and Dee Ray. Since its inception, it has produced and distributed football and basketball games from the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) of the NCAA. It was also a distributor of games from the Southeastern, Big Eight, and Big Ten conferences, as well as the now defunct Southwest Conference. In August of 2019, Raycom Sports will officially stop syndicated broadcasts of the 2019 ACC college football and basketball season as the conference and the ACC will launch the ACC-ESPN cable network.

Raycom Sports

Raycom Sports is an American syndicator of sports television programs. It is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, and owned and operated by Raycom Media. It was founded in 1979 by husband and wife, Rick and Dee Ray. Since its inception, it has produced and distributed football and basketball games from the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) of the NCAA. It was also a distributor of games from the Southeastern, Big Eight, and Big Ten conferences, as well as the now defunct Southwest Conference. In August of 2019, Raycom Sports will officially stop syndicated broadcasts of the 2019 ACC college football and basketball season as the conference and the ACC will launch the ACC-ESPN cable network.