
Reclinomonas is a monotypic genus of jakobid protozoans containing the single species Reclinomonas americana. This organism is a single cell up to 12 micrometers wide. It has two flagella. The cell is in a cup-like lorica which has a stem that attaches to a surface. When the cell reproduces, by undergoing binary fission, one of the two newly split cells produces a new lorica for itself. This protozoan can be found in freshwater. This protozoan feeds on bacteria. It has been described as an excavate.


Reclinomonas is a monotypic genus of jakobid protozoans containing the single species Reclinomonas americana. This organism is a single cell up to 12 micrometers wide. It has two flagella. The cell is in a cup-like lorica which has a stem that attaches to a surface. When the cell reproduces, by undergoing binary fission, one of the two newly split cells produces a new lorica for itself. This protozoan can be found in freshwater. This protozoan feeds on bacteria. It has been described as an excavate.