Red-billed pigeon

The red-billed pigeon (Patagioenas flavirostris) is a relatively large pigeon which breeds from southern Texas, United States, and northwestern Mexico south to Costa Rica. It belongs to a clade of Patagioenas which generally lack iridescent display plumage, except some vestiges in the pale-vented pigeon. It is normally seen alone or in pairs and rarely forms flocks. It feeds on the ground, seeking acorns, berries and buds. It is often thought to be brown it is actually a dark shade of maroon.

Red-billed pigeon

The red-billed pigeon (Patagioenas flavirostris) is a relatively large pigeon which breeds from southern Texas, United States, and northwestern Mexico south to Costa Rica. It belongs to a clade of Patagioenas which generally lack iridescent display plumage, except some vestiges in the pale-vented pigeon. It is normally seen alone or in pairs and rarely forms flocks. It feeds on the ground, seeking acorns, berries and buds. It is often thought to be brown it is actually a dark shade of maroon.