René-Antoine Gauthier

René Antoine Gauthier (1913–1999) was a French Dominican friar, philologist and historian of philosophy. Gauthier joined the Dominican order as a novice in 1933, in the Lyon province, taking his professio on 3 November 1934. He studied in Saint-Alban-Leysse. After his military service of 1936–1937 he was ordained in 1940.Suffering from tuberculosis, he spent 1941/2 and again 1947–9 convalescing in the Assy sanatorium.His dissertation on magnanimitas was completed in 1942 (published 1951).

René-Antoine Gauthier

René Antoine Gauthier (1913–1999) was a French Dominican friar, philologist and historian of philosophy. Gauthier joined the Dominican order as a novice in 1933, in the Lyon province, taking his professio on 3 November 1934. He studied in Saint-Alban-Leysse. After his military service of 1936–1937 he was ordained in 1940.Suffering from tuberculosis, he spent 1941/2 and again 1947–9 convalescing in the Assy sanatorium.His dissertation on magnanimitas was completed in 1942 (published 1951).