Renegade Animation

Renegade Animation is an animation studio, located in Glendale, California, which currently specializes in Macromedia Flash/Toon Boom animation. It was founded by Disney and Warner Bros. animator and director Darrell Van Citters and his business partner Ashley Postelwaite in July 1992 in Burbank, California. In mid-2007, the company opened new studios in London, Toronto and Sydney, following the announcement of The Mr. Men Show.

Renegade Animation

Renegade Animation is an animation studio, located in Glendale, California, which currently specializes in Macromedia Flash/Toon Boom animation. It was founded by Disney and Warner Bros. animator and director Darrell Van Citters and his business partner Ashley Postelwaite in July 1992 in Burbank, California. In mid-2007, the company opened new studios in London, Toronto and Sydney, following the announcement of The Mr. Men Show.