Rey family

Portrayed by: Fernando Lujan Adult protagonist of the series. The patriarch of the Rey family. During his younger days, he used to be a bus driver. He and his then best friend, Pedro Malvido "Perico", dreamed of a wealthy life. Both of them fell in love with the gold digger's only child, Manuela San Vicente. They made a promise to leave their village for United States to get rich. In the US, Vadote and Perico worked in a gas company. Perico used his savings to buy shares of the gas. One day, Vadote made the drunk Perico to sign the transfer of ownership of the shares to him. He also hid the letters which Perico wrote to Manuela. Back in Mexico, he told Manuela that Pedro has married other woman. He then marries Manuela, and managed her property. They have three sons together; Memo, Vado an

Rey family

Portrayed by: Fernando Lujan Adult protagonist of the series. The patriarch of the Rey family. During his younger days, he used to be a bus driver. He and his then best friend, Pedro Malvido "Perico", dreamed of a wealthy life. Both of them fell in love with the gold digger's only child, Manuela San Vicente. They made a promise to leave their village for United States to get rich. In the US, Vadote and Perico worked in a gas company. Perico used his savings to buy shares of the gas. One day, Vadote made the drunk Perico to sign the transfer of ownership of the shares to him. He also hid the letters which Perico wrote to Manuela. Back in Mexico, he told Manuela that Pedro has married other woman. He then marries Manuela, and managed her property. They have three sons together; Memo, Vado an