Robert (P2P software)

Robert is a file sharing application that relies upon the security and encryption of peers and tunnels inside of I2P. The software uses torrents or a distribution method similar but not compatible to magnet: links, labeled maggot: links (this is intended as a pun on magnet links). Robert is free and open source and is published by Sponge, an active programmer associated with I2P. Robert features a minimalist web browser known as seaweed, intended to allow the safe browsing of eepsites, with any insecure content removed. All connections in Robert are run natively through I2P, so there is no chance of user misconfiguration revealing anything about the user.

Robert (P2P software)

Robert is a file sharing application that relies upon the security and encryption of peers and tunnels inside of I2P. The software uses torrents or a distribution method similar but not compatible to magnet: links, labeled maggot: links (this is intended as a pun on magnet links). Robert is free and open source and is published by Sponge, an active programmer associated with I2P. Robert features a minimalist web browser known as seaweed, intended to allow the safe browsing of eepsites, with any insecure content removed. All connections in Robert are run natively through I2P, so there is no chance of user misconfiguration revealing anything about the user.