Rod Norman

Rodric "Rod" Norman is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Christopher McHallem from 28 July 1987 to 27 February 1990. Rod the roadie, is a modern-day hobo. He dosses in squats and never settles anywhere for long, although he does return to Albert Square several times. Rod is a sucker for female hopeless cases and he tries to help out several 'women in need' over the years, although he is rarely thanked for his efforts.

Rod Norman

Rodric "Rod" Norman is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Christopher McHallem from 28 July 1987 to 27 February 1990. Rod the roadie, is a modern-day hobo. He dosses in squats and never settles anywhere for long, although he does return to Albert Square several times. Rod is a sucker for female hopeless cases and he tries to help out several 'women in need' over the years, although he is rarely thanked for his efforts.