Rodrigo Franzão

Rodrigo Franzão (born April 27, 1982 in São Paulo, Brazil) is a contemporary Brazilian mixed media and textile artist. He works mainly with textile, copper wire, needle, thread, vinyl poliacetate, oil and acrylic, creating and shaping geometric forms. Franzão currently resides in the town of Abadiânia in the state of Goiás, Brazil since 2013.

Rodrigo Franzão

Rodrigo Franzão (born April 27, 1982 in São Paulo, Brazil) is a contemporary Brazilian mixed media and textile artist. He works mainly with textile, copper wire, needle, thread, vinyl poliacetate, oil and acrylic, creating and shaping geometric forms. Franzão currently resides in the town of Abadiânia in the state of Goiás, Brazil since 2013.