Royal Belgian Cycling League

The Royal Belgian Cycling League or KBWB/RLVB (in Dutch: Koninklijke Belgische Wielrijdersbond, in French: Royale Ligue Velocipedique Belge) is the national governing body of Cycle racing in Belgium. It was founded on 11 November 1882. The KBWB-RLVB is a member of the UCI and the UEC.

Royal Belgian Cycling League

The Royal Belgian Cycling League or KBWB/RLVB (in Dutch: Koninklijke Belgische Wielrijdersbond, in French: Royale Ligue Velocipedique Belge) is the national governing body of Cycle racing in Belgium. It was founded on 11 November 1882. The KBWB-RLVB is a member of the UCI and the UEC.