Russo-Turkish War (1568–70)

The Russo–Turkish War (1568–1570) or Don Volga-Astrakhan campaign of 1569 (which is referred to in the Ottoman sources as the Astrakhan Expedition) was a war between the Tsardom of Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The casus belli was the Astrakhan Khanate. It was the first of twelve Russo-Turkish wars ending with World War I in 1914-18. The Ottoman Empire, though militarily defeated, insisted on safe passage for Muslim pilgrims and traders from Central Asia as well as the destruction of the Russian's fort on the Terek River.

Russo-Turkish War (1568–70)

The Russo–Turkish War (1568–1570) or Don Volga-Astrakhan campaign of 1569 (which is referred to in the Ottoman sources as the Astrakhan Expedition) was a war between the Tsardom of Russia and the Ottoman Empire. The casus belli was the Astrakhan Khanate. It was the first of twelve Russo-Turkish wars ending with World War I in 1914-18. The Ottoman Empire, though militarily defeated, insisted on safe passage for Muslim pilgrims and traders from Central Asia as well as the destruction of the Russian's fort on the Terek River.